Posts Tagged with “click n grow”
Smart Garden 3 + The Salad Lovers Kit
The Smart Garden 3 is a self-sustaining hydroponic garden that takes care of your plants automatically, making sure they have enough water, light and nutrients. Grow plants like tomatoes, strawberries, flowers, herbs and much more with zero effort! Comes complete with plant pods containing Romaine Lettuce, Green Lettuce and Red Kale plant.
Smart Garden 3 + The Salad Lovers Kit
Smart Garden 3 + The Blooming Flower Kit
Smart Garden 3 is an indoor garden that takes care of your plants automatically by making sure they have enough water, light and nutrients at all times. Grow tomatoes, strawberries, flowers, herbs and much more with zero effort! Comes complete with three sets of three plant pods: lavender, Petunia, Busy Lizzie | Coupons Markets
Smart Garden 3 + The Blooming Flower Kit | Coupons Markets